Proclamation requests are a way to bring public attention to rare conditions and diseases, It is a free and easy way to request a day of recognition for those affected and helps to raise awareness. States usually have a process on how a Proclamation can be requested, which can be found on the state website. (Please note that states may change these websites and guidelines at any time.) A Proclamation Request usually includes "WHEREAS" text, which will be included in the proclamation. We have written a suggested "WHEREAS" text, included on this page, to help with your request. Please feel free to customize it however you would like. Adding personal experiences and stories can help communicate why a proclamation is important to you!
Alabama: https://contact.governor.alabama.gov/contact_procs.aspx
Residents only, no later than 30 days prior to event date.
Alaska: https://gov.alaska.gov/contact/cr-request/
Residents only, no later than 4-6 weeks prior to event date.
Residents only, no less than 6 weeks prior but no more than 26 weeks in advance.
Arkansas: https://governor.arkansas.gov/online-services/proclamation-request-form/
Residents only, no later than 30 days prior to event date.
California: https://www.gov.ca.gov/contact/
No later than 30 days prior to the event date.
Colorado: https://www.colorado.gov/governor/proclamations-or-letter-request
Must be received at least four weeks in advance.
Connecticut: https://portal.ct.gov/governor/contact/request-a-proclamation?language=en_US
Residents only, must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior but no more than 3 months prior.
Delaware: https://governor.delaware.gov/request-proclamation-tribute/
Residents only, must be submitted at least 3 weeks prior.
District of Columbia: https://os.dc.gov/service/ceremonial-services
Must be submitted at least 3 months in advance.
Florida: https://www.flgov.com/request_a_letter
Submit at least 4-6 weeks prior.
Georgia: https://gov.georgia.gov/contact-us/proclamations/proclamation-request
Residents only, must be submitted at least 30 days prior but no more than 6 months in advance.
Hawaii: https://governor.hawaii.gov/contact-us/request-a-commemorative-message/
Residents only, must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior but not more than 3 months in advance.
Idaho: https://gov.idaho.gov/contact/proclamations/
In-State organizations only, submit at least 3 weeks prior.
Illinois: https://gov.illinois.gov/contact-us/proclamation.html
In-State nonprofits or organizations only, must submit at least 30 days prior but not more than 90 days in advance.
Indiana: https://www.in.gov/gov/governors-office/request-a-proclamation/
Must submit 6-8 weeks in advance.
Iowa: https://governor.iowa.gov/services/request-proclamation
Residents only, submit 4-8 weeks before the start month of the event date.
Kentucky: https://secure.kentucky.gov/formservices/Governor/ProclamationRequestForm
30 days processing time.
Louisiana: https://gov.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/form/home/13
Residents only, must be submitted at least 45 days prior but no earlier than 90 days prior.
Maine: https://www.maine.gov/governor/mills/contact/request_proclamation
Residents only, must be submitted 45 days in advance.
Maryland: https://md.accessgov.com/governor/Forms/Page/cs/letter/0
Residents only, must be submitted 30 days prior.
Residents only, must be submitted 20 business days in advance.
Michigan: https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/news/proclamations
Residents only, must be submitted 4 weeks in advance.
Minnesota: https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/proclamations/
Mississippi: No request form found, to contact the Governor’s office, please call 601-359-3150 or email governor@govreeves.ms.gov.
Missouri: https://governor.mo.gov/actions/proclamations
Residents only, must be submitted at least 60 days prior.
Montana: No process found, https://montana.servicenowservices.com/gov?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=553540f11bca5d100b73a8efe54bcb7f
Nebraska: https://governor.nebraska.gov/proclamation-request
In-State organizations only, submit at least 30 days prior.
Nevada: https://gov.nv.gov/Forms/Request_a_Proclamation/
Residents only, submit 4 weeks in advance.
New Hampshire: https://new-hampshire.my.salesforce-sites.com/support/GOV_Proclamation
Residents only, no timeframe listed.
New Jersey: https://www.nj.gov/governor/contact/
New Mexico: https://www.governor.state.nm.us/contact-the-governor/requesting-a-proclamation/
Residents only, submit at least 45 days prior but no more than 6 months in advance.
New York: https://www.governor.ny.gov/content/governor-contact-form
North Carolina: https://governor.nc.gov/submit-request/request-proclamation
Submit at least 120 days prior but no more than 6 months in advance.
North Dakota: https://www.governor.nd.gov/proclamation-request
No timeline listed.
Ohio: https://governor.ohio.gov/contact/recognition-request
Must be submitted 30 days in advance.
Oklahoma: https://oklahoma.gov/governor/contact/commendation-or-proclamation.html
Residents only, must be submitted 30 days in advance.
Oregon: https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Pages/Proclamation-Request-Guidelines.aspx
Residents only, must be submitted at least 45 days prior for processing.
Pennsylvania: https://www.pa.gov/form/governor/contact.html
Submit 4-6 weeks prior to processing.
Rhode Island: https://governor.ri.gov/contact
No process found.
South Carolina: https://contactgovernor.my.site.com/constituents/s/contact-the-governor
No process found.
South Dakota: https://governor.sd.gov/office/executive-proclamation.aspx
Submit 3-4 weeks prior.
Tennessee: https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/governor/contact-us/constituent-requests/proclamation-request.html
Residents only, submit at least 21 business days in advance but not more than 3 months in advance.
Texas: https://gov.texas.gov/apps/contact-us/assistance
Utah: https://sf.gov.utah.gov/Contact/s/declaration
Vermont: https://vermontce.my.vermont.gov/s/governor-office-ce?tabset-171b4=2
Submit 4-6 weeks prior to the event date.
Virginia: https://www.governor.virginia.gov/constituent-services/request-a-proclamation/
Residents only, Submit 45 business days prior but no more than 120 business days in advance.
Residents only, submit at least 45 days prior to event date.
West Virginia: https://wv.accessgov.com/governor/Forms/Page/gov-request-proclamation/proclamation-governor/0
Wisconsin: https://evers.wi.gov/Pages/Newsroom/Proclamations.aspx
Must be submitted 45-120 days in advance of the event date.
Wyoming: https://governor.wyo.gov/contact/proclamation-requests Residents only, submit no less than 45 days in advance.
Suggested "WHEREAS" Text
WHEREAS, CYFIP2 – Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy (EIEE65/DEE65) is a rare genetic condition with fewer than 50 known cases; and
WHEREAS, CYFIP2 EIEE is characterized by early onset refractory seizures typically beginning in the first months of life, developmental delays, hypotonia, feeding difficulties, vision impairments and more; and
WHEREAS, Current treatments focus on seizure management and supportive therapies leaving the underlying genetic condition untreated and therefore the need for research, awareness and support for families is urgent; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate that each year, on March 13th, the date that this condition was first recognized in medical publications, we recognize CYFIP2 Awareness day and the profound impact this condition has on children and families; and
WHEREAS, the State of _________ is proud to recognize the efforts of CYFIP2 families and supporters in advocating for research, raising awareness and educating communities;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, __________, Governor of the State of __________, do hereby proclaim March 13th, 20___, as CYFIP2 Awareness Day, in the state of ________ to commend observance to all citizens.